Reflecting on YesterNews

Reflecting (Colorado National Monument) SINCE I STARTED to blog, I had much reflection over what I have done since returning to Malaysia in 1990. Back then, I had just abandoned my decision of working in the US towards my green card. After all, I was in the the US most of my '83 - '90 years. Colorado's Rocky Mountains was my home then. (Freshman in College and first Autumn) Having graduated in '87 with my third degree, my professors were anxious to what i would choose as my career - my Fine Art Professors hoped that I wouldn't sell my soul to Commercial Art while my Graphic teachers made more sense of an advertising career. On the other hand, my Dance Professor was hoping I persue Dance further while my Performing Arts Professors were anxious to see if I would pick East or West Coast. Instead, I came home to check M'sia out... it was indeed a memorable 9 months. No, it wasn't what I had anticipated... it was the worst time I had in my life. I fell into...