Diaries 09 (Diaries in Black)

IT WAS AT a Christian Dance Conference that my work was first described as Prophetic Dance Warfare. Later, "Diaries 09 (Diaries in Black)" was created in 2009 out of a political climate which suppressed human rights and the freedom to even hold candle vigils in Malaysia. Here is our sharing...
Message from Lucy Jarasius (FaceBook): 
The last section was especially salient for me, MXV! Something about it seemed to speak to the heart of the matter, and although the movement was contemporary, there was something particulary Malaysian that came through. Last night, I had the rare privilege of seeing Sydney Dance company in a "preview"/dress rehearsal, and I'm telling you the truth, what you put together in this vid you posted was really of peer quality... and that's saying something for some of your dancers whom you have shared were relatively novice in performing work at that level. Bless you, and keep on creating! It's prophetic to be dancing in a non-violent protest - we fight not against flesh and blood...
2 Corinthians 10:3-5

The Message (MSG):

3-6 The world is unprincipled. It's dog-eat-dog out there! The world doesn't fight fair. But we don't live or fight our battles that way—never have and never will. The tools of our trade aren't for marketing or manipulation, but they are for demolishing that entire massively corrupt culture. We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ. Our tools are ready at hand for clearing the ground of every obstruction and building lives of obedience into maturity.


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