
Showing posts from June, 2018

Getting Emotional

MAYBE I am one of those very few that never knew about Tony Bourdian nor followed on TV, for I had discontinued Astro a long time ago.  Suddenly I got incredibly moved while watching “Remembering Anthony Bourdain” on CNN. His fellow journalists on CNN had so much emotional wisdom to share about this gifted man’s inspiration upon them.  Many words and phrases stirred within me about my own personal journey and being. I recalled my general purpose as an artist in which others would normally define in very common categories while personally, I still can’t.  Every few years I have stretches of passions with each overlapping another in seamless transitions. My own sessions I had facilitated in many countries named “Movement from the Heart” permeate through my life very much like Bourdain’s.  Bourdain’s work was not about travel, food and culture (although it has) and neither my choreography, design, art, teaching, counseling or social work was about...